About Us

Purnea Drug Agency is your one-stop online/offline pet supply store, where you can find high-quality pet supplies, which helps your pet at every life-stage. Purnea Drug Agency will help you choose the most appropriate dog food, supplements, treats, toys, dog accessories. Not only that but also for cow, Buffalo,Goat,cats, rabbits, hamsters, turtles, birds & aquatic animals. The reason why we are considered a reliable pet shop online is because we adore pet-owners and even more their lovely pets! We know what a pet means to us humans, hence we help fellow pet/vet-lovers choose the best dog food, cat food, treats, accessories, shampoo and other pet grooming products, supplements, toys and other pet products in the easiest way possible. Place your order online, visit Store or you can contact us through a phone call, or WhatsApp & we will not only help you choose the right product, but also place the order for you (Online Order Must Be within 70k.m)